Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 Greatest Hits

Oh, Baby!
My Heart's Desire and I are both head over heels when it comes to Babyface.  2012 was a year of a firsts for Babyface, from teeth to eating solids to talking to rolling over, crawling, and walking. He's grown from a baby into a toddler.  As our pediatrician said, "What a difference a year makes!" Every day he looks slightly less like a baby and slightly more like a little boy. I continued taking parenting classes and still belong to parenting groups. 

I read many, many good and great books this year.  I even found the worst book I ever read.  The best nonfiction book was Cheryl Strayed's Wild. The best fiction books were The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and Carol Rifka Brunt's Tell the Wolves I'm Home. I mostly read on my Kindle, though I regularly get paper books from the library and borrow books from friends.

Family Tradition
I can not stop having Babyface's picture taken.  Almost every month, I have taken him to the department store and had his portrait taken.  I signed up for the portrait studio emails and get the monthly special emailed to me.  Whatever the deal of the month is usually works for me.  It's true that he doesn't look that different month to month, but when I compare a spring to a winter picture, it's like a whole different baby.  We also had professional photographs taken of our family despite many grumbles from My Heart's Desire.  I love to see really good pictures of our family.

It's All Relative
This was a banner year for relatives.  In 2012, everyone in My Heart's Desire and my immediate families got to cuddle with Babyface.  In addition, we traveled to California and Florida for extended family extravaganzas.  It was great to see Babyface with so many relatives.  Suffice it to say that his feet did not touch the floor.

I'm one thrifty mama.  Luckily I have friends with sons that hand down clothes and toys to Babyface.  I also have friends with sons younger than Babyface and am happy to pass clothes on.  I love being in the middle of the hand me down chain! 

(Kitchen) Game Changer
Last Christmas I got a slow cooker as a gift. A year later, I'm a slow cooking evangelist. I l-o-v-e that appliance. I can assemble everything in the morning, toss it in the crock, and come home to a hot, delicious dinner. My favorite meal is slow cooker chicken fajitas, but my slow cooker homestyle roast chicken is the most popular. The prep for these recipes takes less time than making a cup of tea. Tomorrow I'm going to slow cook chicken tortilla soup, recipe coming soon.

The Hurricane Omelet that my dad makes. Also known as shakshouka, it's eggs poached in a yummy tomato, onion, garlic and bell peppers with cumin and cinnamon.  I was lucky to have it several times this year.  I just happen to have all of the ingredients whenever my dad visits.

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