Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm Sorry You Feel That Way

I'm Sorry You Feel That Way: The Astonishing but True Story of a Daughter, Sister, Slut, Wife, Mother, and Friend to Man and Dog by Diana Joseph. This series of honest and thoughtful essays center around important men in the author's life and are well-written and enjoyable. She is a storyteller with a compelling voice. All of these stories center around various men (family members, lovers, her son) and her reactions to their behavior. However, little is written about her relationships with other women. She doesn't have one meaningful relationship with a woman. Lots of drinking and smoking and stories about her dog (male, of course). This collection of funny, sad, and thought-proving stories revolve around men, as does her life, abbreviating what she thinks and feels, leaving the reader detached. 16/100

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