Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today I woke up early with Babyface, gave us both breakfast, did laundry, went for a long walk in the neighborhood, talked to my dad for the first time in weeks since he was overseas until today, used up all of my pumpkin pie spice baking pumpkin oatmeal muffins and bread (my house smells so good!), gave Babyface lunch and put him down for a nap, read a bit of The Dressmaker, then dozed for a few minutes until My Heart's Desire started splitting a stump (from the massive tree that came down during a summer storm) with a wedge and sledgehammer right outside the bedroom window, did more laundry, went to our neighborhood block party, dropped off the pumpkin oatmeal bread to a friend who has a baby, came home and had my enchiladas made by My Heart's Desire (they were extra cheesy), watched two episodes of Louie, and am going to bed.

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