Wednesday, September 17, 2008


For some reason, neither My Heart’s Desire nor I will go to the grocery store. We discussed going together at some point last weekend, but the idea was rejected. And it’s been a couple of weeks since either of us has gone so now we really need a lot of stuff – like bread, milk, yogurt, Lean Cuisines, peanut butter, produce, cheese, etc. Which is one of the reasons we ordered pizza on Sunday.

We ate the pizza for lunch and dinner on Sunday; on Monday for dinner we ate steaks (defrosted) with grilled potatoes and cucumber slices with peanut sauce; yesterday I had sushi with friends and he polished off the pizza; and tonight we’ll be having either sloppy joes on buns that have been in the downstairs freezer since July 5 with or vegetarian chili.

I wonder how long we can keep up this grocery embargo. As far as produce goes, I have a dozen cherry tomatoes, a cucumber, and a peach that I bought from the roadside stand on Monday before I got my fancy-pants manicure and pedicure. Other meals we could fix include: shrimp with Spanish rice, frittata (if I can figure out how to make one) and hamburgers. We’ll see how long we can resist the lure of the supermarket. We don’t have lots of stuff, but we do have plenty of Diet Coke. So I won’t be the one who cracks!

1 comment:

Elissa said...

Hey, you need to clean out your freezer and pantry occasionally right?