Saturday, September 13, 2008

Area Man Does Not Like Road Trips

My Heart's Desire and I are planning a trip to Florida to visit his 95-year-old great Aunt. Of course I wanted to drive. Which is how I found out he doesn't like road trips.

I, on the other hand, am quite fond of the road trip. Being able to get to where I'm going at my own pace, as well as stopping often for bathroom breaks and to sample local delights. Not to mention the road trip music CD's burned for the occasion. I've logged many thousands of miles in road trips (4k was the longest but gas was only $1.10) from LA to any-damn-where, from DC to Delaware and southern Virginia.

My BFF reminded me that the #1 rule of road trips is: don't go on one with someone who doesn't like road trip. She and I have gone on many a road trip together, with The Bad Girls' Guide to the Open Road as our trusty guide.

But, really, what's not to like about road trips? Singing bad songs really loudly, a car full of snacks (Twizzlers for sure), and tales from America. How else would I have stories about getting a sheriff's escort off Alamo grounds, the world's largest thermometer, Casa de Fruta, squishing a penny at Graceland, and the 103mph Vega$ mix?

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