Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rise and Shine: Report 1

As I stated in my Spring Goals, I am trying to make exercise and writing what I do first thing so that they get done.  My goal was to get up by 5:15 am at least three weekdays and by 6:30 am one weekend day.  I  was up by 5:15 three weekdays this week.  I wrote and exercised for two of them. Then my horrible allergies kicked in and I just wrote instead of doing both.

Yesterday morning I was up and at 'em at 5:45 am (I went to bed ridiculously early on Friday night) and got in nearly two and a half hours of writing before Babyface was ready to start the day.  Creative Nonfiction retweets 130-character story tweets.

The more I write, the more I'm mulling about things to write and have more ideas.  So that's been great.  I've also been looking for publications that accept shorts.

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