Monday, December 8, 2008


Got up around 9, had leftover Pad Thai from Amina Thai for breakfast, bundled up, drove to Baltimore with my Mom, it was an amazingly clear day to see the skyline, enjoyed the Bedazzled! exhibit at The Walters Art Museum, wondered why people don't commission cameos for their beloveds anymore, chatted with Mom over a leisurely, nummy brunch at Donna's (I had the breakfast rotolo), perused used treasures at The Book Escape, filled up my gas tank for $22.33, left Baltimore, stopped by the Georgia Avenue library, baked sugar cookies with Mom all evening, ran out to Safeway to buy food coloring, loved the way the house smelled when I came back, made icing, stood by the fire until my pants were really warm, iced some cookies, finished the leftover Pad Thai and had an apple with stinky/delicious blue cheese for dinner, kissed My Heart's Desire, passed out cold.

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