Friday, October 10, 2008 doesn't know me very well recommended All We Ever Wanted Was Everything. Some parts of it were interesting, but altogether I found it disappointing. I didn't really care about the characters and found the plot was lacking.

I wanted to like it. Really, I did. Some women's fiction books are very enjoyable, including Baby Proof, Good Grief, and of course Rachel's Holiday, one of my faves. I no longer have a copy because I lent it to a friend who still hasn't read it.

I also subscribe to tons and tons of periodicals so that I can read them while I am at the gym. But lately the weather's been so nice that I've been walking in the mornings before work. The window of pleasant weather - not sweltering or freezing - is really small. I'm enjoying taking long walks around the neighborhood and being outside. So now I've got a humongous stack of magazines to devour. Off to read!

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