Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just like Momma

I asked My Heart's Desire to hand me some Advil from my cosmetic bag, and he pulled out a small, black and white checkered bag. He sighed, pulling out a hefty, medium-sized cosmetic bag. "Yes," I said, "the Advil's in the Excedrin bottle." My Heart's Desire gave me a look and rooted around, pushing aside lip gloss and hand sanitizer and hair bands and nail polish and matches and emergency Benadryl, finally handing over two Advil. He shook my cosmetic bag and asked, "Is there anything you don't have in here?"

Just then I realized, I had a prepared-for-anything cosmetic bag, just like my Mom. Including the days of the week pill case (the letters are rubbed off the front) so I remember to take my vitamin and blood pressure medicine daily. I was just one step away from carrying a variety of pills in a Tic-Tac container. At my brother's high school graduation I asked for a Tic-Tac and she accidentally gave me a heavy-duty migraine painkiller.

Just like Momma, if I am on line for more than 1 minute, I have to chat someone up. I can't drive by a garage sale with out stopping. I rarely order sodas in restaurants (I could get a six-pack for that much money!). When I want to keep something in a safe place, I put it in a cardboard box marked SAFE PLACE so I don't forget.

What's the next step in acting like Mom? Starting sentences with Anyhoo? Carrying an old Starbucks cup and my own teabag and asking the barista for "more" hot water?

1 comment:

Hi, I'm Italia. said...

Eric used to say "oh woman... do you have a piece of gum in your drugstore?" Yes... women carry portable drugstores. We're such f'ing rock stars.