Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It might be true...

While I was thinking of advice to share (see right hand column), my mind wandered to some of the advice from my Grandma Rhoda. My mom's mother, Grandma Rhoda, died before I was born, but my mom passed some of her ideas down to me.

When I was a teenager, my mom took me bra shopping (I refused to wear white or lace and hated those little rosettes) and I wanted a black bra. My mom said no. Grandma Rhoda had told her that only sluts wear black bras and anklets. So my mom said no black bras were allowed. I could have any other color or pattern of bra while I lived at home, but black bras were strictly off limits! I still feel slightly rebellious when I plunk down my card for a black one.

I'm light-years away from having a daughter that needs a bra, but I wonder if I'll implement the same rule. Hmmm.

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