Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today I am grateful for waking up before the alarm, reading a sad book while Babyface slept in (a rare occurence!), having a nice chat with my sister, going for a late summer walk, getting Babyface's photo taken at JCP, sharing two dishes from my favorite restaurant with a friend, chatting up the proverbial storm, salty oat chocolate chip cookies, a quick talk with my dad while is is overseas, Babyface's long nap, finishing an episode of The Newsroom, and plans to go to Trader Joe's tonight.


KAT Blank said...

We LOVE The Newsroom!! So sad it's going to be a year for new eps!

Miss you!!

Amina Hafiz Sarraf said...

I wonder if Altria pays for The Newsroom by making it's star smoke so profusely... A long wait after a short season, alas.

Miss you too!