Monday, March 2, 2009

What if?

Don't we all ponder... What if? about some choices that we've made? I know I do. What if I had been nicer to my high school boyfriend? What if I had actually stopped smoking the first time I quit instead of smoking on and off for 15 years? What if I had never adopted Gracie Lou Freebush, the best dog of all time? What if I had gone to grad school in Baltimore instead of DC?

Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch is a fabulous book that does more than wonder. Jillian has a perfectly happy little life in the suburbs but asks herself the question we all ask. One day she gets a massage and -- suspend your disbelief here -- she wakes up from her post-massage nap and finds it's seven years ago. Jillian has her old boyfriend, her old job, her old apartment, and the opportunity to make different choices.

I won't give away what happens, don't worry. If you want to read something interesting and fun, then get your hands on this book.

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