Thursday, January 23, 2014

Grateful Thursday

Today I am grateful for kindness, all things relating to heat and warmth, covered parking, a new pair of glasses, modern technology, whole wheat toast, that the holidays are o-v-e-r, soothing sounds, and hearing Babyface sing itsy bitsy spider.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Boy Babyface

In what feels like the blink of an eye but was really two and a half years, Babyface's sleeping arrangements went from this:
Nursery Waits for Baby
to this:
Big Boy Bed with Quilt My Grandma Made
Since Babyface is a little climbing monkey, we had to transition him from a crib to a bed before he climbed out of the crib and hurt himself. My Heart's Desire converted his crib to a toddler bed.  We left the soft bumpers up though he doesn't fall off his cot at daycare.

It's so awesome to see Babyface change and grow and be able to do things like drink from a cup, dance, make little jokes, ask to use the pee potty and take off his PJ's.  At the same time, I've been sad to see Babyface leaving his baby milestones (paci, bottle, one-piece clothes, high chair) behind, one at a time.  I wonder if there is a word for this feeling.  Sort of happy longing? Proud and nostalgic? I'll have to ask my BFF if the Germans have one. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

TV Free Weeknights

My Heart's Desire and I usually watch TV after Babyface goes to bed.  Between On Demand and Netflix, we sit down to watch a show we like.  However, once we get cozy and under the blankets and start laughing, it's hard to turn the TV off.  Since I went back to work, it's been challenging to do all of the things that I want to do. I started feeling like all that TV watching was a bad habit.
$1 lunchbox

After dinner is when I make sure I am prepared for the next day by packing lunches/snacks for Babyface and me, prepping the next night's dinner (if it's my night to cook), have my workout clothes and grown up costume are ready to go, etc.  And since I rise well before daybreak, my evenings are already pretty short since I go to bed early. 

Last week (unbeknownst to My Heart's Desire),  I instituted a TV free weeknight experiment.  I was able to get so much more done during the evenings.  I had a nice chat with a faraway friend, created a photo calendar for my dad's birthday, and got a good amount of reading done.  I didn't feel like my evenings were so rushed.  I also went to bed earlier and that made my mornings more pleasant.  On Thursday night we did watch one show, at his insentience, then I turned the TV off. 

Here is my January 2014 goal: Do anything on worknights besides watch TV. 

I have a bunch of projects that I've had on the back burner, including updating Babyface's baby book and crocheting a baby blanket for a child (before she's old enough to crochet herself). I love reading and like to be able to read without falling asleep in the middle of the page.  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Small Changes, Big Results

While I've seen many people make grand resolutions and sweeping declarations of change for the New Year, I've found that making small changes can equal big results.  My January 2013 goal was to exercise every day.  Was this as grand as most of the resolutions that I've heard? No.  It wasn't going to change my life drastically.  This manageable goal was enough to feel challenged and it was measurable. And because I was consistent, I was able to keep it going throughout the year.

January 2013 workouts
I tracked my workouts on a calendar with big X's. I liked seeing all of the X's and felt accomplished.  I hung it where I could see it and that made it much harder to talk myself out of exercising.

I kept using the X method during the following months.  It wasn't my goal to work out every day, but I usually got in 5-6 workouts weekly.  Unless I was sick, I didn't like to see two empty squares back to back.
Now with bonus walks

 In September, I added a star for every ten minute bonus walk that I took. While a ten minute walk is nothing to write home about, it's the cumulative effect that makes a difference.

Later in the year, I started keeping track of minutes exercised, reaching for a goal of 4 hours per week. Though that goal is pretty challenging, I do meet it some weeks.  (I am still taking bonus walks, I just misplaced the stars.)

More important than the X's or the stars or the minutes is this: I am still keeping track of my workouts in a visual way that is very motivating.  What started out as a January lark turned into a yearlong habit that helped me workout more consistently.  That led to making other healthy changes easier.  I was able to lose weight, keep it off, and keep going!

And it didn't cost me anything as the calendar was free and I had a sharpie and stars already.

December workouts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 Greatest Hits

Oh, Baby!
Babyface continues to be the light of my life.  He does adorable things every single day.  Like trying to hug a moving cat.  Asking for a giggle (bagel).  Trying to catch bubbles. Babyface is a full blown toddler who talks up a storm and makes his wishes known.  He definitely looks like a little boy now.  He had his first haircut this year and it was followed by four more.  We continued taking our hippie parenting classes, with My Heart's Desire attending some of the classes.  Since I was home with Babyface in 2013, I found some groups on Meetup that were a good match.

The first Meetup event that I went to was a playdate at someone's house.  As I was bundling up Babyface and packing the baby bag, My Heart's Desire asked, "You're just going to show up to a stranger's house with our baby?" Yup.  That's exactly what I did and I'm so glad because Babyface and I were both able to have fun and make some friends. In 2013 I went to more than 40 events with the group.

I read a lot of books that I liked this year, but I can't say that I really loved any of them.  I love to listen to books and have been getting them on CD from the library for years.  Then I figured out how to download audiobooks through the library consortium and listen to them on my iPhone.  What I do love is my subscription to Audible.  After several friends raved about how much they liked it, I signed up for a free trial, listened to my two free books and the rest is history.

Furiously Typing
I did more writing in 2013 than in the previous few years combined.  I worked on some existing prose and wrote some new poetry and prose.  I got into a groove and once I started writing, I started having more and better ideas.

I ambitiously signed up for National Novel Writing Month and wrote 15,000 words, not in the ballpark of the goal, but a respectable amount of writing for one month.  Midway through November I was offered a job and that shifted my priorities immediately.  In addition to all of the furious typing, I also submitted 16 pieces for consideration.  One was accepted and I'll post a link when it goes live.

Family Tradition
We maintained our family traditions of our Independence Day barbeque, getting Babyface's picture taken regularly, and My Heart's Desire taking Babyface to get his picture taken with Santa.

It's All Relative
Rye on a cheetah
This was another big year for family visits.  My parents visited several times and it's so great to watch them with Babyface.  My brother's daughter was born in March and I got to meet her when she was still teeny-tiny.
She's so light!

I saw my sister's daughter Rye twice this year, once in February and once at Thanksgiving.  Rye's birthday is in November and one of the first things she asked me was why I wasn't at her birthday.  My sister swears she didn't tell her to ask that.

My in-laws visited a couple of times to love on Babyface.  Both of my sisters-in-law were married in November which equaled two family extravaganzas.  

We also traveled to Florida to celebrate Christmas with Babyface's oldest relative, his great-great-aunt Auntie.  She is 102 years old.  Auntie was My Heart's Desire's honorary Grandmother since his passed away when he was small.  She was even old when My Heart's Desire was young! It's really special to see Babyface with Auntie.

Healthy Living
To my immense surprise, I gave up sugar in August. It remains challenging. I've never felt better.  I also took a healthy living class that was very valuable.  And I took advantage of free coaching and had several personal sessions.  I'm feeling good about my healthy habits.

Guilty Pleasure
Lying in bed, reading magazines, drinking a cup of tea, while My Heart's Desire takes care of Babyface.

I am no stranger to the thrift shops and used bookstores in my area.  If I can get it for a song, I'm very happy indeed.  I also went to a slightly overwhelming children's consignment sale at the fairgrounds and scored some great stuff, including Babyface's Santa costume
The local library used bookstore sells children's books for $.50.  Which is where I got many books for Babyface, including his favorite, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I can recite it by heart.

Local Getaway
When my mom visited, she told me she was considering staying in a hotel since we have a pretty full house.  Then she offered to stay at our house and let My Heart's Desire and I stay at a hotel for a few nights.  We jumped at the chance!

We spent the days with my mom and Babyface, then My Heart's Desire and I had dinner together and stayed over at a hotel just a few miles from our house.  It's so lovely to sleep without worrying about hearing the baby.  It was a wonderful gift.

I have a friend who works at a hotel chain and we got the room at the friend price.  The thrifty apple did not fall far from the thrifty tree.