Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today I got up early and read, went to see probiotic frozen yogurt kiosk that My Heart's Desire designed, sampled said yogurt (yummy, much better than PinkBerry - still don't know what all the fuss is about that stuff despite BFFs attempts to covert me), looked at purses at H&M, had pancakes at The Silver Diner, met a friend and saw Slumdog Millionaire (LOVED IT!!!), caught up with her over coffee, came home and had dinner in front of the fire with My Heart's Desire.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Today I woke up at 3:30am (I heard something but don't know what), couldn't go back to sleep, watched Six Feet Under, went back to sleep, got up at 8:30am, decided not to wear makeup, worked, had a great lunch with a friend, we caught up on everything, more work, cleaned off my desk, went to Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Dinner at church with My Heart's Desire, met other teachers, loved the performance by the Youth Choir, considered going to Target, came home instead, watched a few episodes of The Simpsons, and read chick-lit library book.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today I am grateful for: doing AM Yoga first thing (well, first thing after brushing my teeth), the burned velvet scarf (Christmas gift I wore for the first time) that I got lots of compliments on, being able to type fast (one of few things that I learned in high school that I actually use in my life), parenthesis, looking up the meaning of cattywampus, slicing up lemons to stick in my humongous bottle of water, not reacting when annoyed, eating three yummy girl scout cookies, beating the traffic this evening to get where I was going early, having dinner with some of my favorite girls, seeing a friend I haven't seen in ages, listening to An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England, and catching up with My Heart's Desire.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today I got up early, went to the gym, read Fitness magazine on the treadmill, came home, made PB&J, had coffee with mentee at Starbucks, met friends for sushi, shared cookie with another mentee, browsed fabulous vintage store, picked up a few items at the supermarket, went home to My Heart's Desire, tidied a little, did laundry, made bean and cheese soft tacos with avocado, watched Vegas Vacation and Big Love by the fire with My Heart's Desire, and forgot to floss (going to the dentist tomorrow).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's cold outside

but it's warm in here by the fire...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today I am greateful for: sleeping in my own bed, watching the snowflakes fall, the package of hippie soap I love arrived, and curling up by the fire with My Heart's Desire.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Commandment #3: Prepare

This commandment requires thinking ahead and considering what I might need in the future. Some of these things are a lot easier to do than others.

A short list of things for which #3 is doing great:
• Keeping $20 cash handy
• Extra umbrella [actually, I'm on my second one because I lent my last extra umbrella to a friend and haven't gotten it back]
• Emergency sunglasses
• Spare workout clothes, shoes + trashy magazine in car at all times
• Spare winter hat
• Buying lots of cards at once so I don't have to scramble
• Spare granola bar [at work and in the car]
• Small bottle of Advil

Other #3's that I am working on include:
• Getting ready for the day the night before
• Having plenty of healthy snacks handy
• Setting up ticklers in my calendar to remind me to do stuff
• Establishing a schedule (see #8)
• Thinking ahead for possible outcomes
• Adding ten minutes to however long I think it's going to take to get somewhere
• Keeping something to read with me in case I need to wait

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today I am grateful for: bringing a fleece jacket to work because even though it's 65* outside it is freezing in my office, remembering my water bottle, my purple pen, Pad Thai, buying a copy of America Anonymous (I had a gift card and Barnes & Noble coupon, I usually don't buy hardbacks), listening to smooove jazz, furiously emailing with a friend, holding hands with My Heart's Desire and being mindful of my #6 commandment.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's Day

A few years ago my BFF and I decided to exchange Valentine's Day presents instead of Christmas gifts. We've been doing this for at least a few years now and it's really fun. I love creating new traditions.

It takes the pressure off holiday shopping and we can come up with some interesting ideas. On other Valentine's Day, I've gotten her a neighborhoodie sweatshirt (Playa del Rey, but of course), social cards, a piƱata, and of course the BFF necklace, similar to the one pictured.

This year I got her _______________ and a really cute ________________. I'll let you know after Saturday.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Even though I'm really glad I quit... sometimes I still miss smoking.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today I am grateful for stargazer lilies, fixable mistakes, online everything, and warm sweaters.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Commandment #1: Everything counts

There's a reason this commandment is number one. It's really a challenge for me to think this way, especially when it comes to workouts.

Despite my not really being a morning person, the am is the only time I go to the gym during the week. If I don't go in the morning, I don't go. So if I don't get up when my alarm goes off, and keep hitting snooze, I'll think, "I only have 20 minutes to go to the gym - then why bother?"

Now I'm bothering. No, I don't get a full workout in but what I do accomplish, other than a little cardio, is the feeling that going is worth it. And that I feel better when I look at the week and know I went to the gym regularly, even if once was just a brief visit. It also helps establish the habit of getting up and going to the gym. Even though I just did a little workout, everything counts.

Monday, February 2, 2009

This morning in one sentence

I got up at 5:30am, tried to go back to sleep, gave up, went to the gym (who are these people at the gym at 6am?), read Marie Claire, bought gas, went home and startled My Heart's Desire (he hadn't realized I had even left), made an egg white/dill/Parmesan omelet, took a shower, did some writing, was very cold so put on socks, still cold so climbed back in bed just for a minute, got up an hour later, listened to Beyonce's Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It), threw on black pants, charcoal top and new favorite pashmina (but of course), forgot to wear makeup, brought my BFF's Valentine's Day present to work to ship, and decided I really need to get a car wash.